Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Revelation #1

I have no revelations! I chose my title because "Aquarius" was my first ever favorite song and all the other titles I thought of (like muthablogga and mamajama) were taken. I have no particular blogging goals. I hope to be funny and not too whiny. Or if I have to be whiny, at least I hope I'm funny.

I am a 43 year-old stay-at-home mother of an almost five year-old son I'll call Comet and wife to GameGuy, computer progammer and gamesman extraordinaire . I have worked in a fundraising office, a hospital and a library and all I learned is that I don't really want to do any of those things again. Every once in a while Comet will announce his desire to be something exciting when her grows up. Say a race car driver, a soldier, an "office guy," or, recently a "money guy." He follows up with "Mama, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Though I insist that I *am* grown up, frankly, I wish I knew! Taking care of my son for the past 4+ years has been the highlight of my working life, but as he goes off to a full day of kindergarten iin the Fall, I find myself wondering what's next.

For now, let me tell you about two features I want to have on Misty Krystal's Revelations. The first is "Overheard on a Play Date," in which I will regale you with the funny and strange conversations I overhear as I play chauffer, cook, cruise director for Comet and his pals. My second feature is inspired by my brilliant friend, Our Lady of Perfection (check out her blog). It's called "White Woman Complaining," a delightful look the little inconveniences in life that try my soul, but are not, in anyway, actual problems and only serve to make me look spoiled and silly, yet familiar and human (I hope). See? I do have a plan.

Now let me post and see what this thing looks like!

Now to publish my post and see what this thing looks like.